PBJ Pickup
App owned by PBJ Pickup LLC.
Development of an application for elementary educational institutions. A touchless, secure and affordable app used to track child pickup and authorizations.
Environment: [ NodeJS, JavaScript, ReactJS, React Native, Firebase, Redux ].
Frontend Frameworks:[ Reactstrap (Bootstrap 4), Galio]
- Startup
PBJ Pickup offers a touchless, secure and affordable app-based solution for childcare centers and preschools to track child pickup authorizations. With PBJ Pickup you can increase the safety and parental confidence in your pickup practices by making sure kids are picked up by the right person, every time. The mobile app is implemented for user-to-user interaction, in which a teacher/admin verifies pick-up authorization via QR codes.
This project was developed in JavaScript, Node JS, React, React Native, Redux and Google Firebase as Backend-as-a-service. The app is connected to a cloud-hosted NoSQL database. Some specific tasks/integrations included:
- Integration with third-party libraries via NodeJS package manager and external APIs as a part of implementation for feature aggregation.
- Created data models and schema mapping.
- Design of React components, higher order components, pages, routes and screens.
- Wrote firebase cloud functions to implement server-side triggers, http calls, push notifications and database writes.
- Worked on UX/UI designs to develop end-user interfaces.
- Implemented Firebase custom claims to set up role based access control and security rules in application. | Roles included: super admins, admins, teachers, parents, authorized users.
- Worked on state and lifecycles in components to render and update UI elements in both web and mobile development.
- Cross-platform development to run app in iOs and Android environments.
- Troubleshooting & bug fixes in development.
- Responsible for design of API calls to fetch data, trigger actions and update states.