Rochester, ny
United states
App owned by Little Black Buddha LLC.
Development of a web application offering career coaching tools.
Environment: [ NodeJS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Firebase, Redux, Scss ].
Frontend Frameworks:[ Reactstrap (Bootstrap 4)]
Pathways is a gamified web application aiming at providing self-discovery tools to individuals exploring new career paths. Worked on frontend, backend development and data modeling.
Some specific tasks/integrations included:
- Implementation of Bootstrap's templates for web responsive user interface.
- Integration with third-party libraries via NodeJS package manager and external APIs as a part of implementation for feature aggregation.
- Created data models and schema mapping.
- Design of React components, higher order components, pages, routes and screens.
- Wrote Google cloud functions to implement server-side triggers, http calls, database writes and API endpoints.
- Implemented a Custom Authentication System to allow users authenticate via LinkedIn credentials. Integration with Stripe to receive app subscription payments.
- Worked with UX/UI drafts to develop end-user interface and reusable components.
- Implemented Firebase custom claims to set up role based access control and security rules in application. | Roles included: super admins, admins, users.
- Troubleshooting & bug fixes in development.